
Osage County

Posted: Jun 18, 2024 8:53 PMUpdated: Jun 18, 2024 8:53 PM

Osage County Election Results

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Ty Loftis

Osage County cittizens went to the polls on Tuesday with five local primary races on the line and voters have elected a new sheriff in Bart Perrier. 

Anthony Hudson will fill the expired term of County Commissioner for District One, Steve Talburt will retain his seat as County Commissioner for District Two, Lavendar Carroll is the new county Court Clerk and in a narrow race, Christina Robertson-Talburt defeated the incumbent County Clerk Robin Slack.

Perrier got nearly 66 percent of the vote and scored 2,241 votes. Hudson finished with just over 74 percent of the vote and 1,325 votes. Talburt received 54 percent of the vote and won by 129 votes. Carroll had nearly 2,500 votes and got 65 percent of the vote. In a narrow race, Robertson-Talburt got 50.9 percent of the vote to Slack's 49.1 percent. That is a difference of 70 votes. 

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