

Posted: Jun 19, 2024 10:42 AMUpdated: Jun 19, 2024 10:42 AM

Florida Man Seen in Washington County on Indecent Proposals to Child Charge

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Chase McNutt

A Florida man was seen in Washington County court Tuesday afternoon on two felony charges of lewd or indecent proposals to a child under 16. 36-year-old Alexander Lincoln was arrested around 2 a.m. Monday morning in Ramona.

Lincoln allegedly had been having conversations with a decoy for Women Against Predators posing as an underage girl, dating back to 2022. According to an affidavit, Lincoln admitted to police that he told the underage girl that he would take her virginity.

Lincoln also admitted to bringing contraceptives that he planned on using with the decoy. He was given a $100,000 bond and his next court date is set for July 19th.

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