Posted: Sep 10, 2024 9:28 AMUpdated: Sep 10, 2024 9:32 AM
Big Brothers Big Sisters on COMMUNITY CONNECTION

Tom Davis
Coming on KWON's COMMUNITY CONNECTION on the heels of a successful Big Broithers Big SIsters "Big Event" where $70,000 were raised, Area Director Charlen Dew and Big Brother Rusty Gott shared with the audience the need for more mentors.
Charlene reminded everyone, "As the nation’s largest donor and volunteer-supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma matches volunteer mentors (Bigs) with children (Littles) who need help with self-esteem, decision-making, and other areas of life."
Rusty Gott shared his experience with his "little" saying they do fun things together such as flying kites, going fishing and just spending time with each other. Rusty sais that his "little" has grown so much in their time together that the youngster is actually now the "bigger" of the two.
Charlene also told us that Big Brothers Big Sisters locally has site-based programs at Wilson, Dewey and Jane Phillips Elementary Schools where "Bigs," aged 15 and half or older, partner with their littles for an hour duing the afterschool period at those school campuses.
For infomation oh how to become a Big Brother, Big Sister or Big Couple, log onto
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