

Posted: Oct 02, 2024 4:59 PMUpdated: Oct 03, 2024 6:51 AM

Bartlesville Man Seen in Court on Child Abuse Charges

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Ty Loftis

A Bartlesville man was seen out of custody at the Washington County Courthouse on Wednesday on felony child abuse charges dating back to 2022. Steven Bridendolph was brought in on a $50,000 warrant.


There was an initial police report filed by the female victim in 2022 against Bridendolph and new charges were filed this week after the victim's son began acting out in school. It is alleged that the son was present for many of these incidents. The victim's son is in his first year of school and has scratched his teachers arm and bit his teachers assistant twice.


The female victim states that there are several instances that may have led to the child acting out. Below is a summary of two of those instances that was released in a probable cause affidavit earlier this week.


In May 2022, the female victim and a child were in the living room with Bridendolph and he can be seen placing the female victim's left ankle in an ankle lock and pushing the child to the floor by his head. Later that year, Bridendolph shook the two-year old child in such a manner that would cause whiplash. Officers viewed more security footage in which the defendant showed a clear propensity for violence.


Bridendolph will next be seen in court on Friday, November 1st.

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