
Cherokee Nation

Posted: Dec 31, 2024 9:21 AMUpdated: Dec 31, 2024 9:26 AM

State Approves Cherokee Nation Tag Compact

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Nathan Thompson

After months of negotiations, the Oklahoma Legislature’s Joint Committee on State-Tribal Relations approved a renewal of the state’s motor vehicle compact with the Cherokee Nation, following the Council of the Cherokee Nation’s approval earlier in December.

Under the new compact – which is unique to the Cherokee Nation – the tribe will continue to issue vehicle tags to both in-reservation and at-large Cherokee citizens. As with previous motor vehicle compacts, the term of the agreement is 10 years and the renewed compact will take effect on Jan. 1, 2025.

“We appreciate our partners in the legislature for recognizing the mutual benefits of the new compact and taking this important step to finalize the agreement,” said Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. “This compact was reached thanks to good faith negotiations between our tribe and the governor’s office, and is further proof that all four million Oklahomans win when all parties approach our shared responsibilities with mutual respect and collaboration to promote the needs of our tribal and state communities. I’m proud that the compact preserves Cherokee sovereignty, protects the rights of all Cherokees - including at-large Cherokees - to access tribally issued tags and titles, and keeps the investment framework in place for another decade that has worked so well for schools, infrastructure and law enforcement.”

Additional information on the motor vehicle compact and what it means for Cherokee Nation citizens can be found LINKED HERE.

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